Monday, July 13, 2009

Heading North

Bern, a laid back capitol city worth a day or least!

Surprising, I was ready to leave Nice and have a change of scenery. Nice in all it's charm was just not quite so charming with the sporadic weather and April showers. I thought heading north would solve that (silly logic, i know) and I was right. With little hassle I had reservations, first class mind you, to Geneva. First class from Nice to Milan and then a jam packed we-don't-wear-deodorant cattle car from Milan to Geneva. Pulling into Geneva shy of midnight. Unfortunately I was heading to Bern the following day, and then on to meet some friends in Kandern, Germany; so I only slept in Geneva. One can't see it all.

I stayed in Bern just for the night but managed to make it a two day event. The weather was perfect and I think I got a better tan there than on the Cote d'Azure! Unbelievable. Well Bern did not fit my expectations of what makes a capitol was better. I could do Bern. I could dwell there for sure. It's laid back, boutique lined streets, and small town feel made me feel right at home. I had a great lunch at Lotschberg, a bit spendy but I blew through the francs during my brief stay. There was this great park off of the Munster Cathedral where I had three different picnic and caught up on my journaling. You can rent bikes for free at the train station, I believe there is a 20 franc deposit that you get when you return. If you are in Bern for 24 hours and the weather is good rent a bike! There is a fabulous path along the glacier blue Aare River.

More Information:
* Get another perspective of Bern from this blogger gent, he's a local!
* Bern Tourist Information
* Bern history and city profile here
* I loved the hostel I stayed at, clean bed, cozy & friendly common room, and a kitchen! Visit here.

The train from Geneva to Bern is gorgeous! I think it took 2 or 3 hours but the ride was filled with alps, lakes, and vineyards. It is an ideal way to enter into this fabulous country's capitol. The train stops at quaint towns worth a visit between the two cities.

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