Saturday, July 11, 2009

15 of April 2009

Avignon – Day 2

Today I rented a bike from my youth hostel. I rode along the Island, around farms, and then crossed the bridge heading away from Avignon to Villeneuve lez Avignon. It was beautiful, peaceful, quiet, and not many people. There was a big tower and then a sort of fortified city or castel. I went way up on a hill that had commanding views of Avignon and the Rhone. Olive groves and houses covered in ivy dressed with green shutters made up this lovely place.

The weather really turned today, it got super windy and cold with even some rain! I tried to have a picnic but it was too cold. Later I went back to the Palace d'Papas and went to the top and looked down on the square. So many different ages of people playing and enjoying the day. Teens and university students playing football, breakdancing, and what not. Climbing back up to the park, I viewed rowers on the Rhone. A Slow day. I am ready to head to Nice although I checked the forecast and it's rain! I hope that is wrong because I had ambitious plans of getting a tan!

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